What others are saying


 Ramya Kappini

Engineering Director, Backbase

With the Digital Engage product line, Claude has proven that he could help leaders envision the gap in our product portfolio and get the buy-in to build a value stream and product where marketers could engage with their customers.

  • Claude has the qualities that make for a great product leader; inspiring vision, the flair to communicate this vision to both stakeholders and teams; and take them along in the journey to build an organisational structure that would support high performing teams. Apart from all of this, he is a people-centric, caring and motivating leader, who dedicates time for his colleagues and teams.

    With his ability to be both strategic and operational, and added qualities like his curious nature, technical experience, “can-do” attitude and growth mindset, he brings market research, clear roadmaps with milestones and realistic plans that add value to the end customer.

    As an Engineering Manager, I couldn’t have asked for a better sparring partner for brainstorming ideas, challenging me, reliable, hardworking, sharing stories and always available for a chat. I have enjoyed working with Claude and learnt so much from him (both about work and life).

    If you are looking for someone to get you to the next level, Claude is your person!

 Olena Pupova

Domain Architect, Backbase

Claude demonstrated true entrepreneurship with the Digital Engage product line by taking ownership of the idea he had, thinking through all the details and aspects, getting the buy-in, and building an actual product with the teams, putting enormous dedication, attention to detail, and hard work into it.

  • I have worked with Claude side by side for a couple of years at Backbase.

    I admire the curiosity of Claude's mind - he uses all possible sources of information to monitor industry trends and uses them as an inspiration to build an innovative product. He also has a unique ability to go in-depth in his analysis of each topic. He can process an enormous amount of information, analyze it, and convert it into a well-crafted end product. He has a really good strategic outlook and communicates his long-term vision clearly. He has the right mix of technical, business, and UX knowledge which helps him to build ambitious and yet realistic plans.

    Claude is a good leader, he has the natural skills to motivate the teams and inspire them to build the product people are proud of. Claude understands the importance of a healthy environment based on transparency, openness, and consistency, building relations on mutual support and trust.

Sofia Flores

Snr. Product Manager, Bitvavo

Claude has shown various times his ability to share his vision with the team, help them focus on the strategy, and deliver high-quality products that solve the actual needs of various customers.

  • I have worked with Claude for several years at Backbase. Both as a Product Owner and as a Product Manager, Claude always showed a lot of self-drive and motivation. Claude is very knowledgeable and can speak in many different levels of granularity: from discussing implementation details with his teams, quickly prototype an idea, and pitch that idea to the management team.

    I strongly recommend Claude for any fast-paced organization that needs a strong, driven, and thoughtful leader.

Robert Konarskis

Software Architect / AWS Specialist

Claude is the kind individual who will find time to coach you, mentor you, support you and explain the value of the work being done, and who will motivate you to keep going.

  • Claude is the kind of person that can change your life for the good. On the professional side, he is able to create enormous value for the business by inventing new revenue streams, hiring the right people, and optimizing the operational aspects.

    He has a solid technical background, which allows him to speak the same language with the engineers, while always thinking strategically about what makes sense within the given context of the organization to create successful products and departments.

    On the personal side, Claude is a kind individual, who finds time to coach you, mentor you, support you and explain the value of the work being done, motivating you to keep going. He builds a relationship with you that allows for straightforward communication, creating a safe place to share personal/work-related ideas and thoughts. I admire the fact that Claude expands your thinking by sharing experiences from different societies, which makes you think about your own views and teaches to always take the specific context into account, before making a judgement.

Continue to discover more on LinkedIn about the people and companies I’ve worked with.

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Jaco Geelkerken

Director of Business Analysis, Backbase

Visionary and craftsmanship are two things that relate to Claude.

  • I had the privilege to work together with Claude on pioneering new product lines for Backbase.

    When I joined Backbase, Claude was in charge of the native mobile application development and we worked closely together on the first implementations. Claude was absorbing and processing the feedback given, translating it into vision and improvement strategy.

    Over the years Claude showed entrepreneurship being directive and leading innovations for our Digital Engage product.

    It is inspiring to see how Claude will go the extra mile to get things done, the right way.

Alex Chan

Metaverse Producer & Product Leader, Unity

Claude represents the new generation of highly passionate, multi-talented product leaders that has a complete mastery of creative, technical, delivery, and strategic.

  • Claude is a huge advocate for the customer and is very quickly able to understand a problem space and deliver a "demo-able" solution and recommendations. I have seen him as a leader with his team and how he is able to manage a diverse talent group with big picture decision making. He is very generous with his knowledge and experience and will make the time for others.

    His passion for technology is contagious and his deep knowledge and understanding of digital technology across industries will challenge your own understanding of what is possible. Without question Claude is a rare talent that any reputable technology business will highly covet and empowers to stay ahead of the competition. For these reasons, I highly recommend Claude.

Niel Maartens

Snr. Product Manager - Wealth Management, Backbase

More than a problem solver, Claude is forward thinking as a product leader. Irrespective of his role, he ensures he is up to speed and ahead of the curve with regards to product trends and market needs.

  • I have worked with and known Claude for nearly a decade. In this time he has added tremendous value to every company he has worked for. He is the one person I will pick if I needed someone to succeed with a near impossible task.

    Claude has a way of thinking which dissects a problem to it's core and will ensure it gets solved without waste. His ability to adapt and pivot when taking on new roles and responsibilities are sublime.

    Claude has led multiple teams and product lines to success, while reporting to senior management. For this reason I believe Claude will be an invaluable asset to any company who gives him the opportunity to further his career and deliver value.

Hendrik Tredoux

Technical Director - Backbase, Founder at Trexis

There is no better way to say it than, customers just love Claude!

  • Claude has this great ability to listen to customers, and translate their needs into technical requirements. He has worked with me at tier 1 and tier 2 banks, as well as some of the largest credit unions in United States. During this time he has build a track record at our customers of being a intelligent, market knowledgeable, and reliable individual. There is no better way to say it than, customers just love Claude!

    During our engagement Claude started initiatives to break down barriers between departments, bringing teams closer together. Claude did an stellar job by bringing the product teams closer to the customer, and allowing them to work closer with our teams on the floor at customers.

    I highly recommend Claude to any position that involve customer facing engagement, market research, and future driven initiatives. It is and always has been a pleasure working with Claude!